So today was El día de la Paz in school which is apparently to commemorate Gandhi and the work he did for peace. I managed to hold it together as the kids sang their songs and recited their poem and I was quite proud of them even though I've only been with them for two weeks. I even managed to sing along to "No dudaría" after listening to it lots this weekend and reading through the lyrics a couple of times at lunch break!
Speaking of this weekend, it was a bit of a weird one. I was ridiculously tired on Friday after a full week at work, so naturally I bought wine, Haagen Dazs and stayed up til 3am singing along to "Raise your Glass" (Pink). I only realised the morning after that there's probably a flat adjacent to my room. I hope they don't hate me...
My yummy dinner:
Saturday, despite being intent on not getting up before 12pm, I woke up at 11 and couldn't get back to sleep no matter how hard I tried. So I got up and got ready really slowly. That slowly that I didn't leave the flat until 3pm. And being a bit of a tit I thought "Oh, I won't wear a coat, I'll buy a Madrid hoody in town". Bad call! I had my CBO in McDonalds (nom nom nom!) then walked around for ages looking for a hoody. I finally found one, decided I didn't like it, got on the Metro and decided to "just nip to Ikea". 32 stops to get home. One side of Madrid to the other. Pisstake.
But I do now have these cushions:
(also, check out how Scottish my duvet looks!)
Sunday: rain. Lots of it. I got to use my cute cupcake umbrella (see below), but seriously, I'd prefer it to snow rather than rain :/
I went to the Museo del Prado with Hannah...I felt like I should have been all cultural and really interested but we went and found the café instead...I might research some of the people whose work is there and try again another time, see if I can appreciate it a bit more. Or go to the theme park next time ;)
Right, well that's going to have to do for this entry. I have to go and find Carmen's house...I might be giving English lessons to her daughter and need to set them up. She was talking about setting it up for Fridays. I hope that doesn't happen. As much as I want to explore Madrid, my weekends are going to be reserved for visiting other places...
Toodles! <3
I'm enjoying your blogs, Becky! Keep it up! :D